Conchiglia Azzurra Resort
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Where we are

Conchiglia Azzurra Resort & Beach

Strada dei bacini 1 73010 Porto Cesareo – Italia
Tel. +39 0833 566301 | Fax +39 0833 566370 |

How to reach us on the motorway:
follow the direction for Taranto and go on following S. Giorgio Ionico, Manduria, Avetrana, directions and you will reach Porto Cesareo. Differently, follow Bari direction and go on for Brindisi, Lecce, Porto Cesareo.

By plane:
Brindisi airport, go on for Porto Cesareo (shuttle service on request).

By train:
Lecce station, go on with buses for Porto Cesareo, line Lecce-Porto Cesareo (shuttle service on request).